Thursday 28 March 2013


The overall problems I faced seem minute now, but at the time were really major as i just started media and did not know what to do.
The first problem I had was actually coming up with an idea for my thriller, I found this difficult as I wanted something different yet effective. When I did come up with an idea, I was very pleased and in the making of my film this idea was very effective.
The second problem was using the editing software, when I had gathered all my shots and was ready to edit I went on to Final Cut Pro to do my editing, I opened it and thought 'Wow, this is going to be difficult' but after the first time you learn it, you pick it up very quickly. Now that I have used it many times I am very comfortable with it.
The third and final problem was using the title software, my initial edits were ready and I needed to add titles before I went any further. I used Motion and it took me quite a while to get used to, as there was a lot to take in, but just like Final Cut I got used to it in the end.

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