Thursday 28 March 2013


I very much enjoyed this whole experience, I have learnt so much and am amazed by how easy and effective it is to use simple software to make professional films.
Even though I found the making of my composition tricky, I am pleased with how it turned out in the end.
This whole process has shown me how much I enjoy media and now that I am comfortable with the concept I cannot wait to do it all over again for A2.


The overall problems I faced seem minute now, but at the time were really major as i just started media and did not know what to do.
The first problem I had was actually coming up with an idea for my thriller, I found this difficult as I wanted something different yet effective. When I did come up with an idea, I was very pleased and in the making of my film this idea was very effective.
The second problem was using the editing software, when I had gathered all my shots and was ready to edit I went on to Final Cut Pro to do my editing, I opened it and thought 'Wow, this is going to be difficult' but after the first time you learn it, you pick it up very quickly. Now that I have used it many times I am very comfortable with it.
The third and final problem was using the title software, my initial edits were ready and I needed to add titles before I went any further. I used Motion and it took me quite a while to get used to, as there was a lot to take in, but just like Final Cut I got used to it in the end.

Evaluation: Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Evaluation; Question 6

                                         What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


Evaluation; Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Evaluation; Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The target audience is teenagers because my main characters are teenagers so this makes it more relatable and will draw them in. I tried to add tension to make the audience feel what Sarah was feeling this makes it more realistic . 


Evaluation; Question 3


I really like slideshare as is it more professional than a word powerpoint, it is easy to access as it is on the internet, therefore you do not ave to download it which is a hassle.

Evaluation; Question 2

How does your media product represent social groups?


I used Xtranormal to answer question 2, I really like it as it is really different and interesting to use.
It is also very easy as it shows you in a step-by-step guide.

Evaluation; Question 1


To answer my first question in my evaluation I am going to use Prezi, this software is a new innovate way to make a presentation fun and simple:
It is easy to access on the internet, and is also easy to use, all you need to do is choose your template and just add your information on, I like to use it as it makes your work look more professional than a powerpoint presentation.


On the 15th of March, I finished all the work on my video. It is called  Separate Minds.
Now that my film is finished, I am now working on my evaluation (worth 20% of the marks), this involves me answering 7 questions presented in 7 different media forms.
In doing this i have made out a plan on how I am going to answer each question, then I will put it on different types, then finally I will post it on my blog.

Monday 11 March 2013

Titles; Motion

To produce my titles I am using the software Motion, it took me a while to get used to it, but once you do it is very useful. It has lots of effects and styles to choose from which made my titles look perfect for the theme of my thriller.

Soundtrack; GarageBand

I am using GarageBand for my composition, I find it very useful, as even if your not very into music you can still use it as it gives you samples to work from.

Editing; Final Cut Pro

I am using the software Final Cut Pro to do all my editing of my filming, it is very easy to use and to learn its features very quickly, I like the range of options it gives and it really allows me to make my thriller look professional.


I have done all my filming over half-term (15th-25th February). This is because all of my actors were free then and it was the best time to film and get it sorted.

In the process of filming I found that certain areas I put down in my draft did not work; such as the music box and production title-as they did not go with the plot and seemed irrelevant, the window scene-as it did not seem to look as effective when filming, the blood drips-as there was not enough space in the kitchen, the position of the alter ego-as the position of the mirror was not suitable for the shooting angle of the alter ego being reflected from behind in the mirror.

Permission Form

For my thriller i need to have a permission form for the actors i am going to use. 

I _________________________________ agree to take part in helping film for public viewing for Ceyda Ayten Tabak's media studies project, she may post her thriller on her blog.


Once this have been given, I am allowed to start filming.

Story Board; Drawn Draft

Story Board; Written Draft

Title= Separate Minds

Plot, Camera shots & Layout
. Black screen start off with creepy music box sounds similar to quiet slumber ( A,C,E,F,C,E).
. Fade in Music Box Productions (in distorted ghost grey font)
. Scene starts with distorted girly music box in black-and-white with the titles fading in & out in blood red.
. Silence, then a scary giggle from a little girl is heard, then fades into colour (kitchen window) which is a close up and blurry.
. Zoom out to get a clear image of the outside in mid shot, while electronic sounds are played. Then the camera moves down to focus on the kitchen floor with blood drips in a close up. Then the camera follows the blood drips which will lead to a dead mans body (Robert).
. Jumps cuts to Sarah sitting on the floor, zooms in slowly as she rocks back & forth frightened.
. Close up on sarah's face to show her emotion (heart-beat in the background)
. Next scene, shows a close up in a bloody knife, then jump cuts to Sarah running to the stairs.
. She runs upstairs into the bathroom.
. Shows Sarah standing in-front of the mirror.
. She washes the blood off her hands (on close-up, water running sound, ambient)
. Washes face and looks down.
. Close-up on the side of her face to show her fear (deep breathing sounds)
. Music box sound reappears, she looks up to find her alter-ego behind her.
. She cries 'Just leave me alone!', looks up and a.e. is gone.
. Music box closes.
. Title is shown. 

Idea's for my Thriller

I have planned a draft idea and there will be three main characters, these will be:

1. A man who will be the victim named Robert.
2. An innocent girl named Sarah.
3. Sarah's evil alter-ego named Eve.

The plot is about a school girl named Sarah who has a split personality or alter-ego called Eve, she is very evil and makes Sarah do things she doesn't want to. Eve tests Sarah when she makes her kill a salesman Robert.
Sarah has had enough of Eve and the fear of Killing Robert is haunting her, she wants to get rid of Eve forever.

The key props i will be using are:

1. Blood- Ketchup
2. Bloody Knife

Art of the Title; The Shining (1980)

01:07- 01:12; A Stanley Kubrick Film
01:12- 01:17; Jack Nicholson
01:17- 01:22; Shelly Duvall
01:22-  01:28; The Shining
01:28- 01:33; Featuring Danny Lloyd
01:33- 01:38; Scatman Crothers
01:38- 01:43; Barry Nelson
01:43- 01:49; Phillip Stone
01:49- 01:54; Joe Turkel
01:54- 01:59; Anne Jackson
01:59- 02:05; Tony Burton
02:05- 02:09; Executive producer Jan Harlan
02:09- 02:15; Based upon a novel by Stephen King
02:15- 02:20; Produced in association with The Producer Circle Company
                         Robert Fryer
                         Martin Richards
                         Mary Lea Johnson 
02:20- 02:25; Screenplay by Stanley Kubrick & Diane Johnson
02:25- 02:30; Produced & Directed by Stanley Kubrick