Born in London (1970), Christopher Nolan a British-American thriller director whose narrative structures most often reflect the mental construction of the characters he uses in it. He began making films at the age of 7 and he directed his first film "Following" in 1998. The film depicts an unemployed young writer who trails strangers through London, hoping that they will provide inspiration for his first novel, but ends up being drawn into a criminal underworld when he fails to keep his distance.
He has directed many films such as: Memento (2000), The Prestige (2006), Batman-The Dark Knight (2008) and Inception (2012):
Memento- is an American neo-noir psychological thriller film. It is presented as two different sequences of scenes; a series in black-and-white (that are shown chronologically) and a series of colour sequences in reverse order- these two sequences then meet at the end of the film.
The Prestige- is a British-American mystery thriller film. The story follows Robert Angier and Alfred Borden, rival stage magicians in London at the end of the 19th century. Obsessed with creating the best stage illusion, they engage in a competitive one-upmanship with tragic results.
Batman- The Dark Knight- is a superhero film, which show Batman his childhood friends and the police combating the new rising threat the Joker.
Inception- is a British-American science fiction thriller film. Inception the implantation of another person's idea into a target's subconscious.
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